What’s Your Dosha
It is helpful to understand our health tendencies so that we know what preventative diet, lifestyle and herbs are recommended for optimum health. Tally up your preferences in the columns below to determine your primary and secondary dosha. Some people may be tri-doshic (have an equal count from all three columns). If you choose to schedule a consultation, I will be able to assess your constitution more accurately with a questionnaire and a pulse examination.
Vata is like wind. The qualities of Vata are cold, dry, light, mobile and erratic. It is the force behind all movement. The seat of Vata is the colon and it governs the nervous system.
If your dominant dosha is Vata you have a lean body structure and you like to be active. You are creative and talkative and can tend towards irregularity with eating and sleeping habits. If Vata is out of balance, you can tend towards constipation, spaciness and more aches & pains. You might feel anxious and fearful. Imbalances associated with Vata primarily are arthritis, brittle bones, asthma, gas, pain, accidents, Alzheimer's.
Pitta is like fire. The qualities of Pitta are hot, sharp, light, oily. It is the force behind transformation, including digestion.
If your dominant nature is Pitta you enjoy intellectual stimulation and you have strong will power. You have strong hunger and need to eat promptly and regularly. If Pitta is out of balance, you can be angry and irritable and have acid indigestion or loose bowels. Imbalances associated with Pitta primarily are skin rashes, heart, blood and liver problems, acid indigestion.
Kapha is like earth. The qualities of Kapha are cool, moist, stable, heavy and dense. It is the force of solidification.
If your dominant dosha is Kapha you have a sturdy body and are slower to move and talk. You can eat less, don’t like change, can be sedentary and are compassionate. If Kapha is out of balance, you can struggle with attachment and feel “stuck” to the point of depression. Imbalances associated with Kapha are: obesity, depression, tumors, cysts, asthma, diabetes.
Attribute | “X” | Kapha | “X” | Pitta | “X” | Vata |
Body structure | Sturdy, solid, easy to put on weight | Moderate, defined muscles | Slim, very tall or short, wiry | |||
Appetite | Low | Strong and urgent | Variable | |||
Digestion | Slow, smaller portions | Strong hunger | Gassy, variable | |||
Sleep | Long and heavy | Moderate, 7-8 hours, sound | Light, less | |||
Evacuation | Regular, sluggish, tends toward constipation | With ease, 1-2 times/day, tends towards diarrhea | Irregular, tends towards constipation | |||
Energy | Slow, steady | High, passionate, may burn out | Irregular | |||
Project style | Slow and complete, may procrastinate | Organized, ambitious, complete | Easy to start, creative, lots at once, incomplete | |||
Emotions | Compassionate, may tend towards attachment | Passionate, may tend towards anger and jealousy | Uplifting, may tend toward anxiety and worry | |||
Total | Kapha | Pitta | Vata |